APA Nurse

Name: Christina Atwood, R. N.

Email: Catwood@goapa.org

Phone: (765) 649-8472 Option 7

Welcome to the Health Office

This site contains valuable information and resources that are beneficial to all parents here at Anderson Preparatory Academy. Check back often as I update with with current information as it becomes available to me. As always, I can be reached by email or by phone if you have any further questions not answered here. Thank you.

Anderson Preparatory Academy Student Health Policies

Covid 19:

Head Lice:

  • While head lice continues to cause concern, they do not pose a health hazard, are not a sign of uncleanliness, and are not responsible for the spread of disease. Our "No Nit" policy is as follows:

  • If a student is found to have live head lice during the school day, parents or guardians will be notified and the student will be sent home for treatment.

  • The student must be treated before re-entry into the classroom.

  • The Student will be re-inspected by the school nurse prior to re-entry in to the classroom.

  •  If no live lice or nits are found, the student will be permitted to stay at school.

  • Please check your students regularly, at least weekly, by closely examining the scalp, behind the ears and the neckline. This is the best way to help minimize the spread of headlice.


  • Children must be kept home for 24 hours and be fever free (less than 100.4) without the use of fever reducing medication before returning to school.


  • Children must not attend school until 24 hours from last episode of vomiting or diarrhea.

Pink eye:

  • Student may return to school 24 hours after antibiotic treatment is started and eyes are free from discharge.


  • Ringworm should be treated with an antifungal and covered while at school.


  • If your child has a rash that you cannot identify, check with your doctor to ensure that is is not contagious before sending him/her to school.