Civil Air Patrol

Click here for APA's CAP Unit Website
Click here for CAP Official Website
Being a part of Anderson Preparatory Academy since it’s founding, Civil Air Patrol (CAP) enrolls all Pre-Academy cadets in grades 6-8. APA is actually the nation’s second largest CAP cadet program with over 235 cadets! Civil Air Patrols leadership and aerospace education curriculums make up our educational program.
Civil Air Patrol Mission Statement: Volunteers Serving America’s Communities, Saving Lives, and Shaping Futures.
Civil Air Patrol Core Values: Integrity, Volunteer Service, Excellence and Respect.
In our classrooms we focus on leadership training through Civil Air Patrol’s Learn to Lead program. Cadets learn the value of teamwork, attention to detail, and communication. Military drill training reinforces these aspects.
Our staff incorporate aerospace education into the classroom with projects like rocket building, drone flight, RC plane flying and flight simulation. The project based learning the CAP program does goes right in line with APA’s goal of incorporating more hands on learning experiences into classrooms.
APA requires all students in grades 6-8 to participate in the Cadet Program of the Civil Air Patrol, a civilian volunteer organization sponsored by the U.S. Air Force. The Cadet Program instills in American youth the core military values of integrity, service, respect and excellence. Citizenship, leadership, character, physical fitness, personal accountability, benevolence and safety are hallmarks of the ideal Cadet.
The Cadet Program introduces students to core military and school values and makes them aware of the opportunities available after high school graduation such as college, employment and military service.
Radio Control Club
Sponsor: Lt. Mike Dean (Click Here) to contact Lt. Dean
Description: APA’s Pre-Academy Radio Control club is open to Pre-Academy cadets who are also Civil Air Patrol members. Started in January 2022, the RC club meets the first and third Tuesday of every month. The length of the meetings will be determined by the weather and if we are flying planes. The goal is to introduce cadets to RC airplane building, operation, and maintenance. Cadets can also gain experience with small recreational drones and basic rocketry.
CAP Instructors:
Lt. Michael Austin, Unit Commander Click here to contact
Lt. Michael Dean, Deputy Unit Commander Click here to contact
Lt. Joshua Fathauer Click here to contact
Lt. Jonathan Yergin Click here to contact
New Cadet Guide: