Mrs. Garrison's class had a great time on Halloween getting to explore pumpkins, count their seeds, and have fun with the cadet teachers dressing up! #MakeYourDreamsTakeFlight
over 1 year ago, Brielle Rue
Garrison Halloween
Garrison Halloween
Garrison Halloween
Garrison Halloween
Garrison Halloween
Garrison Halloween
Garrison Halloween
Our Elementary honored our Veterans today during their annual Veterans Day program. We thank all veterans for their service. #MakeYourDreamsTakeFlight
over 1 year ago, Brielle Rue
Veterans Day program
Veterans Day program
Veterans Day program
Veterans Day program
Veterans Day program
COMMUNITY SERVICE OPPORTUNITY THE NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY NEEDS YOU TO HELP!! WHAT: Food & Basic Need Drive for the Christian Center and Willow Place. These organizations both directly serve homeless men and women in the Anderson area and provide basic needs, food and other resources. In exchange for donated food/basic needs items and money donations, cadets will receive community service hours. (All money raised will be split between the two organizations unless the donor indicates they want it to go to just one organization.) 5 items/$5 donation = 1 hour 20 items/$20 donation = 4 hours (Larger items hour value is listed below) BONUS: The class from each building that collects the most items/money will EARN A PIZZA PARTY when we return from Thanksgiving break!!! (Elem: Classroom; MS: HR/Flight; HS: Grade) $1 = 1 item THE CLASS GOAL IS 100 ITEMS/$100. FOOD ITEMS NEEDED (Must be Non-Perishable): PLEASE NO RAMEN AT THIS TIME! •Peanut Butter •Macaroni and Cheese •Spaghetti-os •Ravioli •Canned Fruits and Veggies •Oatmeal •Cereal Bars •Cereal (smaller boxes preferred) EXPIRED ITEMS WILL NOT BE GRANTED COMMUNITY SERVICE. BASIC NEEDS ITEMS NEEDED: (New items only-Men’s & Women’s Needed) •Deodorant •Cooking Oil •Toilet Paper (hours based on #) •Paper Towels (hours based on #) •Toothbrushes •Toothpaste •Outerwear (4 hours) •Soap •Shampoo/Conditioner WHEN: November 6 -17th Bring your donations to your buildings’ designated donation area each am. Please make sure they are labeled with your cadet’s name. Cadet leaders will be assisting with the collecting and verifying of community service hours at those locations each morning. MS (6-8) and HS cadets will receive a receipt of their hours and will submit via method determined by Director Miller. K-5 Cadets’ hours will be reported to their classroom teachers for credit. REMEMBER: Elementary cadets are required to have 12 hours of community service a year. MS (6-8) and HS cadets are required to have 24 hours of community service a year. #MakeYourDreamsTakeFlight
over 1 year ago, Brielle Rue
basic needs
Rosters for our 2023 Alumni Game on November 11! We will have DJ Shyroc and performances by the APA dance and cheer teams, the Dirty Dozen, and Aasia Sky throughout the night! #MakeYourDreamsTakeFlight
over 1 year ago, Brielle Rue
alumni night
APA's Super Smash Bros esports team won their match against Kankakee High School. This is the second win for this team making them 2-1 Fornite played tonight and placed as high as 6th out of 92 players state-wide in the solo-no build category. Follow us on Twitch @apajetsesports to watch live-streams of our games! #MakeYourDreamsTakeFlight
over 1 year ago, Brielle Rue
Please review our new event policies: To continue to promote a safe environment for the cadets, families, and visitors of Anderson Preparatory Academy, the following expectations will be implemented at athletic and other campus events: 1. No outside food or drink are permitted in the building. 2. Non-participants may NOT carry gym bags, backpacks, or oversized totes into the building/gymnasium. a. Participants must have their personal items (backpacks, gym bags, etc.) secured during the course of the event. 3. Clutches, purses, and small totes may be searched at the discretion of event personnel for individuals under the age of 18 or enrolled at Anderson Preparatory Academy. 4. Children aged 12 or younger must be accompanied by a supervisory adult. If you have questions about this policy please email Director Miller #MakeYourDreamsTakeFlight
over 1 year ago, Brielle Rue
new event policy
If you are interested in participating on the 23-24 APA Archery team, come to the call-out meeting for both parents and archers. You must be a student at APA in 5th-12th grade. Come meet the coaches and get information on what is expected from participating on the team.
over 1 year ago, Brielle Rue
Yesterday was Positivity Day! Cadet Gianna Peak has been doing a service project every month since January. This time she has decided to put together personal hygiene packs for the Christian Center in Anderson. She already has enough donations to make 50 packs. Gianna wanted to involve her class in the project, so she asked for a dress down day to get more donations from the school. The donations will go to buy more supplies.  We are hoping to make enough money for at least 100 packs.  If you'd like to donate to help Gianna's cause you can stop by our 22nd Street location and donate with cash or check. #MakeYourDreamsTakeFlight
over 1 year ago, Brielle Rue
positivity day
positivity day
Happy Positivity Day! Cadet Gianna Peak has been doing a service project every month since January. This time she has decided to put together personal hygiene packs for the Christian Center in Anderson. She already has enough donations to make 50 packs. Gianna wanted to involve her class in the project, so she asked for a dress down day to get more donations from the school. The donations will go to buy more supplies.  We are hoping to make enough money for at least 100 packs.  If you'd like to donate to help Gianna's cause you can stop by our 22nd Street location and donate with cash or check. #MakeYourDreamsTakeFlight
over 1 year ago, Brielle Rue
positivity day
positivity day
Happy Positivity Day! Cadet Gianna Peak has been doing a service project every month since January. This time she has decided to put together personal hygiene packs for the Christian Center in Anderson. She already has enough donations to make 50 packs. Gianna wanted to involve her class in the project, so she asked for a dress down day to get more donations from the school. The donations will go to buy more supplies.  We are hoping to make enough money for at least 100 packs.  If you'd like to donate to help Gianna's cause you can stop by our 22nd Street location and donate with cash or check. #MakeYourDreamsTakeFlight
over 1 year ago, Brielle Rue
positivity day
positivity day
The APA Choir is again selling cookie dough and other wonderful treats to support our programming. Orders may be placed online or through any choir member until Monday, October 30. Non-frozen online orders will be shipped directly to the customer; in-person and all frozen foods will be delivered to the school to be distributed. #MakeYourDreamsTakeFlight
over 1 year ago, Brielle Rue
We are so excited for you to join us this Thursday and Friday for family conferences. For Pre-Academy and Academy, families should sign up with the homeroom teacher only. Follow-up meetings can be scheduled later. No walk-ins, please. Sign up for conference times below. Elementary: Secondary: Please reach out to buikding level principals with questions. Elementary: Secondary: #MakeYourDreamsTakeFlight
over 1 year ago, Brielle Rue
family conferences
It's always a great time when Capt. Stottlemyer joins Lt. Renner and Miss Rae's kindergarten class outside to practice writing their numbers 1-10 with chalk. #MakeYourDreamsTakeFlight
over 1 year ago, Brielle Rue
Join us for Trunk or Treat on Friday at the elementary! #MakeYourDreamsTakeFlight
over 1 year ago, Brielle Rue
trunk or treat
**ATTENTION ESPORTS PARENTS** NO ESports practices/matches during fall break (October 9-13). Practices will resume the week we come back from fall break at coaches discretion. All players must check the APA discord for further information regarding practices. Also, we are streaming our matches this year, if you are interested in watching our teams play, please follow us on Twitch at: apajetsesports. #MakeYourDreamsTakeFlight
over 1 year ago, Brielle Rue
Our upperclass English students had a great time at the Indiana Repertory Theatre today seeing Mary Shelley's Frankenstein. #MakeYourDreamsTakeFlight
over 1 year ago, Brielle Rue
The boys soccer sectional is at 5:00pm tonight, October 2, 2023 at Sheridan HS. Our opponent is Tri-Central. A link to purchase tickets in advance for phone validation at the gate is here: #MakeYourDreamsTakeFlight
over 1 year ago, Brielle Rue
Congratulations to our soccer and cheer seniors as we celebrated them last night. We are so proud of you! #MakeYourDreamsTakeFlight
over 1 year ago, Brielle Rue
Due to dense fog, APA will be on a 2 hour delay today, Friday, September 29th.
over 1 year ago, Brielle Rue
Due to dense fog, APA is delayed 2 hours today, Thursday, September 28. #MakeYourDreamsTakeFlight
over 1 year ago, Brielle Rue