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Elementary Update - 10/21/22
APA Online Video Update: https://youtu.be/flfgi1mQXqY
Skip the video and view the slides here: https://docs.google.com/.../12j9hcvQbUgPlf5G0o5J.../edit...
Our alumni basketball game is making a return this year on Saturday, November 12th at 5:00 p.m. as "Blue & Silver Night."
Alumni basketball players and cheer team members can sign up to play/perform. All other alumni are invited to come watch! If interested in playing in the alumni game with Coach Scott or performing with the cheer leaders with Coach Misha-- please sign up here: https://forms.gle/oki1y5tLj4WTDpVRA
To play on the alumni team-- you must have played basketball at APA at least one year during grades 9-12 AND graduated from APA. We can't wait to see you!
Join Lt. Renner tomorrow, 10/20, at 6pm in room 211 for an informational meeting.
Questions? Email arenner@goapa.org
29th Street Book Fair begins today!